Friday, February 1, 2008

Rainy Day Fridays - An Assualt to The Working Woman

I awoke to a nasty icy rain this morning and while driving to work in its mess I wondered if there is really anything worse than a rainy Monday morning? I surmised that possibly the only thing that could be worse is a rainy Friday morning. It's the just-missed chance, you see. The chance that, had Mother Nature waited another day to shed her tears, I could be really enjoying this morning in the warmth of my wonderful new flannel sheets (Thanks, Chan & Troy!) with the boys peacefully slumbering all around me. In addition, it's also the general nonchalance of a Friday. The, "come on I can blow this day off for rain, I mean, it's not like I'm going to do any real work today anyway," kind of mentality. But I'm here at work anyway, letting my gaze drift outside into the grayness, wishing it was Saturday and that I was still in my na-na's.